We bring people together.

We bring people together.
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Our story


We were founded in 1991 to provide experienced domestic workers for the Cyprus market.

Over the years, we’ve expanded and forged new partnerships to become an international network spanning Europe and Asia.

Today we provide talented workers to clients across six countries and multiple industries, from agriculture and manufacturing to tourism and hospitality.

International Presence


We have self-owned offices in six countries: Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Bulgaria, the UK and the Philippines.

We’re also affiliated with agencies in Malta, Ukraine, Philippines, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Brazil.

International Presence

Why choose us?


Because we love what we do!

We really care about people, and we work hard to build long-lasting relationships with both clients and candidates.

We give our candidates the tools and training they need to build a successful career, and offer pastoral care once they start work.

When you choose us, you know every worker will be happy, hardworking and fully supported. 

What makes us different

Areas of expertise

Areas of expertise
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Expertise description

We help individual clients find the perfect domestic assistant for their home and lifestyle.

Our workers can help with cleaning, childcare, laundry and more.

Every worker is carefully selected and fully trained before they start work.

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Hospitality, leisure and tourism
Hospitality, leisure and tourism
Expertise description

We offer temporary and permanent personnel for every position, including porters, chambermaids, kitchen staff, waiters, bar staff, receptionists and even managers.

We’ll help you find the candidate with the ideal skills for your hotel, restaurant, leisure facility or tourist site.

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Catering and kitchen
Catering and kitchen
Expertise description

Choose from our extensive roster of chefs, chefs de partie and kitchen assistants, with skills in a range of specialisms and national cuisines.

All our food-service candidates are selected on strict criteria and receive full training.

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Expertise description

We can provide reliable, motivated farm workers for all types of arable, livestock and commercial operations.

Our overarching goal is to help you reach your commercial goals and safeguard the quality of your produce.

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Nursing and healthcare
Nursing and healthcare
Expertise description

We can help you find experienced, registered nurses to support your healthcare operation.

Through our affiliate colleges, we offer a range of programmes that help staff adjust more easily to their country of deployment by teaching them new skills or languages.

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Food processing
Food processing
Expertise description

The food-processing industry depends on hardworking, self-motivated staff.

We seek out workers with the flexibility to work at any stage of the production line, ready to become members of a reliable, productive workforce.

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Industrial and manufacturing
Industrial and manufacturing
Expertise description

All our hardworking factory staff are fully trained and prepared, ready to start making a valuable contribution from day one.

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Construction, oil and gas
Construction, oil and gas
Expertise description

In these sectors, the key concerns are ability, safety and trust.

We’ll bring you skilled staff who you can rely on to enhance your operation.

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Migration services
Migration services
Expertise description

If you’re a worker moving into the EU to take up a new role, or planning to employ one, we can make the process run smoothly.


Discover our migration services for the Cyprous market


All relevant migration procedures can be arranged and dealt. We will guide you through the entire process, ensuring the completion of your case. Our Migration team consists of Migration experts and our legal team.

Discover our migration services for the Cyprous market